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Saturday, July 24, 2021

Finding such a good wife is not easy! Soda Nita posted a message announcing that she was looking for a second wife for her husband.


Believe it or not, many of you know the singer Soda Nita and this popular model. In fact, even though the actress rarely appears on TV, Soda Nita has never disappeared from big shows, such as her wedding, always present. Meanwhile, actress Soda Nita, who was mentioned by fans as a lucky woman after having a husband and a beloved son, while recently seen the actress posted a fruit message. There seems to be a problem with her husband. Soda Nita posted a message saying, "Announcing the search for a wife or stepmother for my new husband can chat with him or some artist friends who used to be his girlfriend. With the posting of the message above, some fans and the public seem to be surprised and expect that this is just a joke in the past. Rarely does the actress post messages related to such issues.

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