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Monday, July 12, 2021

Doubt the truth! Sopheak Kosoma and Chhorn Sovanreach are in love....

 Phnom Penh presenter Sopheak Kosoma is now very popular in the entertainment industry through her funny words and cute gestures. Is always with a unique style, beautiful, interesting as well. In particular, Ms. Sopheak Kosoma is one of the presenters who is gaining a lot of popularity in the field of art today due to her skill in using humorous words. Comedy does not know how to dry, which is why this actress can capture the hearts of many fans.

It should also be noted that Ms. Sopheak Kosoma has been involved in the arts since she was young, struggling and patient in this field of art for many years. How successful was this protocol? Recently, Kosoma and many celebrities participated in planting saplings in Kampong Speu, including posting many photos, suddenly Mr. Chhorn Sovannareach Try not to say: "No need to tell them that we love each other, immediately Kosoma tried not to say you do not tell"

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