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Sunday, July 11, 2021

4 places to be careful when crossing Covid-19 without realizing it


The Ministry of Health states that hygiene must be maintained and gaps kept to protect oneself from the Covid-19 virus. In that, Dr. Ly Rithy Kun confirmed that you should avoid going to these four places because there is a high risk of infection.


For crowded buses, the infection rate is really high because there are people coughing and sneezing and there is no proper protection. Although there is no clear confirmation from the WHO that Covid-19 is not transmitted through sweat, care must be taken not to infect other people's sweat. .

2- Market

If in the supermarket, the cash register is required to stand 1.5 meters apart, or some markets require customers to wear a mask Before entering, but in the normal market there is no limit and like to huddle and even grab things from one to another no Cleaning makes it easier to get Covid-19.


In ATMs, it is the same if a caregiver coughs and sneezes without wearing a mask or covering their mouth and nose. Tossed to the screen or keyboard in the closet and another person came in and touched those places really Can be contagious. Therefore, if you need to use an ATM, spray alcohol on the affected area and wash your hands with it. Alcohol soap or hand gel.

4-Public bathroom

Using public toilets is not safe because we know that Covid-19 can be transmitted through toilets and cleaning labs. Hands are also prone to infection if the place where you carry sputum, sweat, mucus and we go to touch and do not wash clean every corner Really dangerous.

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