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Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Take care of your health! Cambodia will be affected by the wind from the Gulf of Thailand


The Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology on February 2, 2021 issued a notification on the weather situation in Cambodia from February 3-9, 2021.

The Ministry confirmed that on February 3-7, 2021, the Kingdom of Cambodia was affected by moderate to strong northeast monsoon. On 8-9 February 2021, the Kingdom of Cambodia is affected by low pressure levels and BREEZE winds blowing from the Gulf of Thailand.

Such a situation will make:

1: Provinces in the Central Plains:

* Minimum temperature is 19-20 ° C

* Maximum temperature is 31-34 ° C

* On 8-9 February, minimum temperature 22-25 ° C and maximum temperature 28-31 ° C, light to moderate rain in Takeo, Kandal, Kampong Speu, Prey Veng, Pursat, Battambang and Pailin provinces. .

2: Provinces bordering Dangrek mountain range and northeastern plateau

* Minimum temperature is 16-19 ° C

* Maximum temperature is 31-34 ° C

* On 8-9 February, minimum temperature 20-23 ° C and maximum temperature 28-31 ° C, light rain in Tbong Khmum and Kampong Cham provinces.

3: Coastal area

* Minimum temperature is 20-23 ° C

* Maximum temperature is 28-31 ° C

* On 8-9 February, minimum temperature 21-24 ° C and maximum temperature 27-30 ° C, light to moderate rain in Koh Kong, Sihanoukville, Kampot and Kep provinces.

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