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Monday, February 22, 2021

Is that true? French experts claim new coronavirus has been present in Cambodia for the past 10 years

Covid 19 first broke out in Wuhan, China in late 2019. So far, the exact source of the virus has not been identified. What if the new coronavirus did not originate in Wuhan, China, but was imported from another Southeast Asian country? This is the hypothesis of French experts who have just discovered that a new coronavirus has been present in bats in northern Cambodia for the past 10 years. French experts have speculated that the new coronavirus may have been present in some Southeast Asian countries, such as Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and Thailand, for many years.

There are several theories as to the origin of the new coronavirus, which causes Covid 19. But the most common hypothesis is that the new coronavirus originates from bats. Experts at the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle in France have recently released a report stating that the new coronavirus is present in bats. Retrieved in Cambodia 10 years ago.

New coronavirus in bats in Stung Treng

In 2010, a team from the Institut de systématique, évolution, biodiversité de Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle's research team in northern Cambodia visited In collaboration with the Cambodian authorities and UNESCO. During the search mission, they visited several cave sites in Preah Vihear province, Stung Treng province, and captured some animals, including Rhinolophus bats. 8 types.

This bat species is attracting a lot of attention from international experts because it is known to contain many coronaviruses. The French research team also asked the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge to store coronavirus samples in the bats in a freezer at -80 ° C.

Recently, they tested the virus for Covid 19 and found that it was positive for Covid 19. The Institut Pasteur in Phnom Penh has also sent samples of the virus to Paris for further examination by French experts in detail on the form of the coronavirus. French experts have also discovered a new strain of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in two bats belonging to the genus Rhinolophus shameli caught in Stung Treng province in 2010. The new form of coronavirus found in Cambodia is similar to the new coronavirus, which infects 19% of the 19 Covids in Wuhan. So this is the first time a new coronavirus has been discovered outside of China in the last 10 years.

New coronavirus may have been present in Southeast Asia for decades

What French experts say is that according to the above research results, a new type of coronavirus has been present in bats in northern Cambodia for the past 10 years. According to experts, the Rhinolophus shameli is found only in Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Cambodia.

Alexandre Hassanin, a researcher on the team, suggested that the new coronavirus, which originated in the bat species, may be present and mobile among humans and animals in these countries. Ten years ago. That is why people in Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, and Cambodia are less at risk of contracting Covid 19 because their bodies already have all the antibodies. In contrast, some Southeast Asian countries that do not have the Rhinolophus shameli bat, such as Burma, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, have 19 cases of Covid infection and can cause significant deaths.

It is difficult to determine where the new coronavirus came from. What French experts now conclude is that the new coronavirus has been present in Cambodia for many years and may be present in neighboring countries such as Vietnam, Thailand and Laos. Rhinolophus bats shameli.

New Coronavirus transmission agent enters China?

The new conclusion confirms the earlier hypothesis that the new coronavirus could have originated in some bats in southern China's Yunnan Province. Yunnan is bordered by northern Vietnam and Laos. In Yunnan, a new coronavirus, which is 96% identical to the coronavirus, has been found in 19 bats in two bats, Rhinolophus affinis and Rhinolophus malayanus, which can infect each other. Reciprocate with the Rhinolophus shameli in Southeast Asia.

Another hypothesis that has been raised is the transmission of parasites. The discovery of a new coronavirus in Cambodia 10 years ago also confirms this hypothesis, that pangolins can transmit coronavirus from bats. Insects eat bats in the manure piles in the caves.

Chinese authorities have arrested a number of sick pangolins several times, such as in Guangxi in 2017-2018 and in Guangdong in 2019. The pangolins are imported from Southeast Asia and some of them are very sick with a full load of coronavirus. The coronavirus found in the proton is about 85 to 90 percent of the new coronavirus that causes 19 Covid. Thus, these pangolins can transmit the virus to other pangolins or other animals in China before infecting humans.

French experts explain that in China, people can only adapt to the common coronavirus (SARS-CoV), but when it comes to the coronavirus, the new strain from Southeast Asia is uncontrollable. And possibly an outbreak in Wuhan. Experts say these hypotheses and conclusions suggest that the trade in live wildlife is a serious risk because it could pave the way for the virus to spread and mutate into humans.

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