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Saturday, February 20, 2021

Indonesian woman claims she was pregnant by wind

 Indonesian police are investigating a bizarre case of a 25-year-old woman who claimed she gave birth after pregnancy due to high winds and not sex.

The woman, known as Siti Zainah, lives in West Java, which has become a hot topic in Indonesia after she claimed she was pregnant by a strong wind on the 10th. February 2021 recently.

Siti said:

After noon worship (Muslim), I slept face down. Suddenly I felt a gust of wind blow through my vagina. About 15 minutes later, my abdomen started to expand and then it went back to normal, but it grew again.

Siti then began to feel pain in her abdomen, thinking something was wrong, so she relied on relatives to take her to Cidaun Health Center for a checkup. Doctors there told her she was pregnant and that she was ready to give birth.

Siti says:

I was so shocked and shocked that I could get pregnant and give birth immediately.

However, the explanation for the cause of the pregnancy made people wonder and surprised, and when she returned home after the day of birth, a lot of people came to see her. And her children. Police also came to visit and ask questions about her pregnancy after a bizarre case was reported in the local press.

Around this case, Eman Sulaeman, director of Cidaun Health Center, said Siti's explanation that she was pregnant by the wind was impossible. However, she did not accuse her of lying. Instead, she said, this was likely a case of ambiguous pregnancy in which the mother did not know she was pregnant and only found out when it was time to give birth.

She added that such an unintended pregnancy may be caused by her body seemingly normal, that is, unchanged, whether pregnant or otherwise due to a history of contraceptive use.

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