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Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Elements of Happiness

    Recently on the TED Talk, psychologist Robert Waldinger described the elements of true happiness in his speech. In his speech, he cited the results of a Harvard study by psychologist George Vaillant, who led the study from 1972 to 2004.

The study surveyed the communication and health of two groups of people: one group of 268 adults and one group of 456 children. . After researching, the researchers wrote that good relationships lead to the happiest people.

What does a good relationship bring to true happiness?

1. Have a close relationship

People who have good relationships with family, friends and community, they are happier and healthier than those who have less social relationships . Not only that, they also live longer.

Lonely people, on the other hand, often have many health problems and are rarely happy. They often experience more sleep problems.

People who have a warm childhood relationship with their mother are less likely to have mental health problems later in life and are generally more successful in High career.

2. Good communication quality

According to the study, people who are alone are happier than people who are in a relationship but often have conflicts with each other.

In addition, the number of contacts is very important for older people. Even if people have a lot of friends, it does not mean that they are happier than people who have real close friends. The meaning of the word true friend is based on quality, not quantity.

3. Stable marriage

A study from Harvard University found that real marriage can improve physical and mental health as well as reduce it. The risk of dementia.

According to the study, married couples can maintain a relationship without divorce until the age of 50 will have less health problems. A couple who soon part ways. Not only that, a couple living together for a long time will strengthen the bond. What is special is that a marriage that is not easily broken not only brings happiness to the couple, but it also brings happiness to the children and society. Also.

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