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Monday, December 7, 2020

Thieves steal buffaloes of 5 people, remove the meat and leave 2 mobile phones near the ghost with an environmental official

    Pursat Province, Cambodia: Residents in Cham Thmei village, Chheu Tom commune, Krakor district, Pursat province, lost 5 buffaloes. When they went to find a buffalo, they were beaten to death by the thief, and there were two mobile phones near the ghost of the buffalo.

The case of the buffalo, a citizen who was robbed, beaten to death, disassembled and left two mobile phones with the image of the environmental officer, happened on the afternoon of December 3, 2020 in the forest near the entrance to the military base (development) of the division Small Intervention No. 14 at O ​​Soda point in Kbal Tahan village, Chheu Tom commune, Krakor district, Pursat province.

Regarding this case, Colonel Em Run, Inspector of Krakor District Police Department, confirmed to reporters that in the case of the theft of buffaloes, the villagers were carrying meat with their mobile phones with pictures related to this environmental officer, he assigned the force to inspect and investigate. At the scene.

In this case, hot news 24h has not yet received an explanation from the environmental official, we are waiting for an explanation from that official.

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