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Friday, November 6, 2020

Farmers say that many rats ate corn, causing tens of tons of loss

     Farmers living along the eastern Mekong River, including Kroch Chhmar and Tbong Khmum districts, are growing more red corn. In other districts in Tbong Khmum province. But this year, the Mekong River did not flood the lakes, causing pests and rodents to eat. Destroying the crops of the farmers who planted with them, they also asked the Department of Agriculture to send a team of technicians to help. Get rid of those mice.

Ta Moung Yean, 85 years old, living in Roka Thom village, Chiro 1 commune, Tbong Khmum district, said on the morning of November 6 2020 that since the day of liberation on January 7, 1979, he has been cultivating crops on the plantation with the following crops: watermelon, tomato and Most corn to sell to traders to earn money to support the family. To this day. But in 2020, the Mekong River will not reach the plantations behind the village.

The 85-year-old said he hired a plowman to plant red corn when the fruit was being brought by a herd of mice. They came to destroy the crops that were planted, causing a lot of damage until they were cut down and planted again. Second, so far, the corn plant has come out with two knots. When he came to see that there was no more destruction by rats.

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