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Monday, September 14, 2020

Apply these 7 ways to ensure that women's skin is white and clean.

Women who want a clean, smooth complexion without acne, you should take care of the following skin:

1. Wash your face: Wash your face daily with a cleansing product that is suitable for your skin type. Cleansing the skin helps to get rid of dirt that clings to the skin to prevent acne.

2 - Use skin cream: should use cream or skin lotion regularly or use a cold mask occasionally to nourish the skin to moisturize the skin soft and smooth.

3 - Do not touch your face with dirty hands: Avoid using your hands to touch the skin of the face, trigger scratches or pimples, because your hands can have germs that can cause it to cling to the skin and cause more acne or scars on the skin. Face.

4-Makeup equipment: Makeup equipment such as brushes, powders, etc. should be washed frequently, do not leave dirt. As for face powder that has been used for a long time and has expired, it should not be thrown away. The pillowcases you sleep on every day should also be washed regularly.

5. Drink enough water: You should drink enough water 7 to 8 glasses a day to help moisturize the skin, because dehydration will make the skin dry, cracked, not soft and smooth.

6. Eat good food: Eat healthy food so that the body receives enough nutrients to keep the skin hydrated.

7- Exercise: Exercise regularly helps maintain good health, release toxins through sweat, help clean skin.

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