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Sunday, January 5, 2020

The business of making angels is linked to ancestral beliefs

Kandal Of Cambodia: Handicrafts, handicrafts, and kiosks have become a lucrative monthly business as the production is supported. A lot now.

Song Yim, who runs this local business and knows a lot about the benefits of this angel, said that the ancient temple, or temple, had once existed. In the rice fields, it was once a village, but later it turned out to be a complete house for gratitude. To the temple, the temple was rebuilt as a place of worship Glory always in happiness.

According to Song Yim, if a skilled craftsman can produce four or five stalls, the bigger one can produce only two of them. One day. The smallest angel porch costs $ 35, ranging from $ 500 to $ 700, but for a large angel Selling very much depends on the potential customers.

Angels of the Angels believed in the construction of houses such as the Angkor period, when the Khmer King built Angkor, for religious reasons. All right. Khmer monarchs build temples to house their own gods. The Khmer religion of that time was Hinduism. It has many gods, Brahma, Nirvana, and Vedas. Its people. They usually choose the name of a god or gods. King Yasovarman I chose the god himself, while King Suryavarman II chose Nirvana. Hinduism is a religion with no pagodas, no public temples. The so-called Brahmin was the residence of Brahman, the only Hindu monk. In order to honor God or worship God, each family had to build a house to be their own. In the Angkor period, any house had its place of gods. Called the "Angels of God", this was the location of the Khmer people, or in general when the Khmer were Hindu.

The reason why they made the temple an angel was because they considered God to be a king. They put angels in high places, indicating that God is in the sky. The reason why they put angels outside the home is in Hinduism, the moon is with humans, God is in the sky. In Buddhism and the religion of Jesus, they can place the Buddha or the Buddha in the house.

Khmer kings originally built temples for his god, as did the people. The difference between the people is that the temple of King is a real and great temple, like the Vishnu temple and the temple of Siva.

Each temple is a builder's own temple. That is why when the owner of the temple dies, the temple is abandoned.

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