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Sunday, January 5, 2020

A pagoda chief in Kompong Chhnang province vows to protect the site of the 1,000-year-old ancient temple

Kompong Chhnang: An ancient site of ancient temple named “Tulipuri Sisavong Vong Kompong Preah” is located in Khnokor Village, Khnok Tro Commune Abundance is an ancient temple site that is more than a thousand years old. The Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts has recently issued a notification to local authorities and the pagoda's management committee on the site of the ancient temple. Make cremation or burial for preservation of this ancient temple site for generations to know and help Take care to stay safe Yes.

Kompong Preah Monastery chief monk, Om Sokun, on December 23 said that since the announcement of the Ministry of Culture and Culture The Fine Art of Stoping Burials, Deforestation and Hard Building on the Temple Mount Follow the instructions of the ministry without permission As before, especially during the rising tide, people are living on the local waterfront, allowing only cremation. It can no longer be buried on this ancient hill. Currently, he and the pagoda committee are taking care of the ancient site of the temple, as well as cleaning the yard around the temple It is for the purpose of preserving these precious national cultural heritage to not be lost in order to leave the next generation Knew the masterpiece .

Teacher Sok Oum also regrets that during 2012 a telephone company came to dig a pit The tower's towers affect the foundation of one of the two temples at present. Subsequently, the Department and the Ministry of Skills have taken legal action against the above companies. But what he learned from the villagers was that a number of valuable antiquities had been stolen by the miners When he was digging a telephone pole, he was still in the military. At present, the Ministry of Culture has put a protective roof over the foundation of the temple, which has not been touched by anyone. No more.

At the same time, he advised Buddhist people to live in the area around the temple, not allow them to remove ancient stone or brick. From the top of the temple.

In particular, Mr. Sok Thouk, Director of the Department of Culture and Fine Arts of Kampong Chhnang, said that the Temple of Preah God was built between the 7th century and Eighth year of Khmer reign by Chey Devi, the temple is now more than 1,000 years old. .

The Director of Provincial Department of Culture is also calling on local people to help keep the temple and the hilltop in Preah Vihear. To preserve the temple as a historical tourist destination, tourists' income will boost Livelihoods of the People You are our citizen.

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