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Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Tears are not in vain! Discover the benefits of crying

 According to Harvard Health: "Not all tears are the same. These include spontaneous tearing, continuous tearing, and emotional tearing. The first two types of tears are important in clearing away debris and increasing the lubrication of the eyes to prevent infection.

According to the American Psychiatric Association, women cry more than men because men have less prolactin, which is associated with tears than women. It is recommended that everyone should not hold back the feeling of crying because crying has many benefits that we do not know.

Crying helps you to express your feelings and reduce the concentration of grief in your body. This accumulation of bad feelings in the chest can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, stress and depression.

On the other hand, when we cry, we can get comfort from friends and family, and it improves our relationship with them. In addition, crying also makes you feel good because it relieves your congestion.

So next time, if you feel like crying or see someone crying, do not hold back the tears and let them come out freely.

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