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Friday, October 15, 2021

Despite recovering from Covid, some people still have these five symptoms for 6 months.


A survey by a Japanese research team found that one in four Covid patients still had symptoms after half a year of recovery and that women were at higher risk than men.

A survey by the National Center for Global Health and Medicine and other institutions surveyed 457 people who have recovered from Covid-19 since February 2020. They are between 20 and 70 years old.

The group says 26.3 percent of them have symptoms such as fatigue after six months have passed.

At the same time, about 7.7 percent of the respondents reported problems with smell, 6.6 percent felt tired, 3.9 percent had shortness of breath, 3.5 percent had taste-related problems, and 3 , 1% hair loss.

One year after recovery, 8.8 percent still had some symptoms, with 3.1 percent complaining of fatigue, 1.5 percent of shortness of breath, 1.1 percent loss of smell and taste, and 0.4 percent. Percentage of hair loss.

The survey also found that women were 1.9 times more likely to smell bad than men, 1.6 times more likely to lose odor, twice as likely to be fatigued and three times more likely to lose hair.

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