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Monday, September 13, 2021

History of Pchum Ben, a traditional Khmer festival

Pchum Ben is one of the major festivals of the Royal Golden Gate Ceremony for Buddhists. From ancient times the Khmer people have always celebrated this festival, from the 1st day of the lunar month until the 15th day of the lunar month, which lasts for 15 days, which we call Ben 1, Ben 2… and the end day is Day "Pchum Ben". Pchum Ben is celebrated in the Buddhist style.
Every year, on the day of the month to celebrate Pchum Ben, all relatives, even relatives Near or far, often travel together, especially parents to prepare food, soup To give to the monks who live in the pagoda.

The word "Pchum Ben" comes from the word "Pchum" together with the word "Ben" which means to gather or pile up (from Pali) Thus, we can easily identify this word as "meeting or gathering of bricks" (the formation of lumps of bricks, which we call "Bai Ben").
According to the historical records of Cambodia, we show that the Pchum Ben festival has existed since ancient times. But honestly, in the past, it was not called Bon Pchum, because in this ceremony, they are divided There are two levels. The first level is from the 1st day until the 14th day. (Phat follows the day) in a row. The other class is done on the 15th day of Roch, which is called Bon Pchum. These two festivals are now combined and called "Ben Pchum Festival".

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