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Thursday, September 2, 2021

5 things you may not know and use the wrong paracetamol that can be life threatening

    Paracetamol is an oral medication to relieve pain and reduce fever in children and adults. It is classified as a common home remedy for the general public.

But if you use it wrong, it can be life threatening.

Paracetamol is suitable for our body at 10-15 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

Body weight 22-33 kg, swallowed 325 mg.

Body weight 33-44 kg, take one and a half tablets of paracetamol.

Take more than 44 kg, take 2 tablets of paracetamol.

Body weight 34-50 kg, take 500 mg.

Body weight 50-67 kg Take one and a half tablets of paracetamol (no more than 5 times a day) or two tablets of paracetamol (up to 4 times a day).

In total, do not take more than 4,000 mg per day.

Take paracetamol too soon

Paracetamol should be taken 4-6 hours apart, so if only for 2-3 hours, do not take it again and do not need to take it after a meal. When it hurts, you can eat it.

Take paracetamol for too long

Many people can treat flu symptoms on their own at home. Therefore, paracetamol is taken to reduce headaches. However, paracetamol should not be taken for more than 5 consecutive days. If you still have a fever after the medicine is still effective, it is better to see a doctor for a thorough diagnosis.

Patients with liver or kidney disease should consult a doctor before taking paracetamol.

Although paracetamol is the safest antibiotic, paracetamol may affect patients with liver disease, kidney disease, and paracetamol may increase the risk of liver poisoning and severe liver failure. Therefore, patients with kidney and liver disease should consult a doctor before eating and they may consider the risk or consider giving other painkillers instead.

Do not use paracetamol "trap"

Paracetamol is a medicine that can be taken only if there are symptoms. If there are no symptoms and taking the medicine before going out or doing risky activities, it is a mistake because it can increase the risk of drug resistance.

Beware of taking paracetamol

If the fever does not subside within 3 days in both children and adults, or if the pain in children does not subside within 5 days or in adults Do not get better in 10 days, see a doctor to check the symptoms of serious illness.

Be careful when using paracetamol in combination with other medications such as muscle relaxants and orphenate. Store the medicine in a dry place away from sunlight and away from children.

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