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Friday, September 3, 2021

5 things found on the street that should not be picked because they are believed to bring bad things

 It is not uncommon for us to walk down the aisle and find discarded or discarded items on the street. You can only pick it up and throw it away. According to the beliefs of the ancients and people of all ages until now, always believe that there are nine things below, if you start to pick. Take it and it will attract negative energy and bad luck to you.

The nine prohibited items include:

1. Wallet, wallet or envelope full of money: It is believed that the money found on the street may belong to someone who accidentally dropped it or someone left it on purpose because it is Money to buy luck to solve their bad luck. If we take the money, it means that we have brought bad luck to others, which not only affects ourselves but also the whole family.

2. Needles or sharp objects: According to ancient beliefs, if you have seen needles or sharp objects that can be used in the garden or in the hall of your apartment building, do not pick them up. In any circumstance. Because of all of these things, it is believed that the elements of these objects have a special ability to absorb risks and bad things that can make you and your family sick.

3. Old glass: According to the belief, glass is an object that is believed to have the ability to reflect energy absorption and is also a bridge between the Yin and Yang realms. In addition, old mirrors can hold either the physical person of a person who has used them before or the force of the underworld, which can easily bring bad luck. Therefore, we should not pick up mirrors seen on the street No house, even though it is new.

4. Street stones: Stones or pebbles are always beautiful according to their type, which can be used to decorate houses and other places. However, if you put it on the side of the road, it is not something we should do, because the old belief is that people who die without relatives are buried by the side of the road. Sometimes stones were used to cover the graves, believing that the stones could carry the souls of the dead, so we should not bring them into the house, as it is like bringing bad energy. Come into the house like that.

5. Old jewelry or accessories: Old jewelry or accessories are objects that have the ability to absorb the strength of the owner. So after a long time it can be both sand, gas and weapons. If it were a weapon, the people who picked it up would surely face problems and disasters. So if you find these things on the street, you should not be greedy and pick up old jewelry that has no clear origin on the street.

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