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Friday, August 6, 2021

Sok Rasy responded to Phin Sodalys sweetly and clearly to her father.

    So far, the dispute between the host, Mr. Sok Rasy and the manager of Miss Grand Cambodia, Mr. In Sophin about the money is not over yet, while Mr.

Rasy is looking for a solution and justice for himself, he decided to file a lawsuit in court on July 30, 2021. Looking at the relationship between Mr. Sok Rasy.

With the actress Phin Sodalys, the daughter of In Sophin, the two still have a good relationship, the host did not consider her an enemy or have a conflict like her father, although he did not The dispute with her father is over, according to Sok Rasy, who shared his relationship with her.

And Phin Sodalys, who showed her affection for her by saying, "I always treat my sister with respect and consider you a good sister who values ​​each other.

You are not a status person! To this day, I have never considered that we have a conflict with each other, but I want you to be responsible and stop all actions like in the past, consider a person who does not want to see them wrong and wrong in society, we must "Improve each other, then our country will grow!"

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