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Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Serious! Thailand finds more than 20,000 Covid cases in one day, kills at least 200

 In the last 24 hours, Thailand had the highest number of Covid-19 deaths, breaking a new record of 188 and the highest number of new infections at 20,200, the health ministry said Wednesday morning.

Of the new infections, 20,013 were in the general population and 187 were inmates in prisons.

At the same time, 17,975 patients recovered and were released from the hospital.

Since April 1, when the third wave of Covid erupted, 643,522 Covid patients, of which 428,380 had been cured.

Since the outbreak earlier this year, a total of 672,385 cases have been reported, of which 455,806 have been cured.

The death toll in the third wave was 5,409, bringing the total since the outbreak earlier last year to 5,503.

The previous record for the highest daily Covid infection in Thailand was 18,912 last Saturday, with 178 deaths on that day.

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