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Friday, August 20, 2021

Lok Chumteav O Vandin: The school can reopen at the end of this year only if ....

 Phnom Penh: A senior official of the Ministry of Health has confirmed that the school can reopen at the end of this year only if all citizens are able to adapt to living in a new way during the time when the society is full of diseases. Kovid-19 and the implementation of the 3 do's and 3's preventive measures.

Her Excellency Dr. O Vandin told the media that the Covid-19 virus has mutated into a new species, which Ta Ta and Alpha are infectious in many cases and are actively circulating in Cambodia due to people neglecting to implement health measures. Along with fatigue with the Covid-19 virus, it has long been tedious to help prevent the spread of the disease, and some people think they are not at risk of contracting the virus after being vaccinated. In this context, the participation of individuals, families and communities is the most important point in the context of preventing the spread of Covid-19, especially adapting to a new way of life during the society. Ensure effective prevention of the spread of Covid 19 and bring society back to normal so that schools can reopen by the end of the year.

"The issue of whether we can open a school at the end of this year, I would like to confirm that opening or not depends on the participation of the people, now we are launching a campaign," she said. To disseminate education as a national campaign that was conducted throughout the country, all 25 capitals, at the provincial, district, commune and village levels, to work together to prevent the transmission of 19 Covid virus. If we all go together in the next month or two, if we can, we can hope that the spread of Covid19 virus will be reduced. Thus, if there is a decline, we will continue to implement our measures, so it will give us the possibility to think. However, it also depends on the organization of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports that he is ready, and on the other hand, there must be a high decision from Samdech Techo.

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