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Wednesday, August 11, 2021

After a woman did ask if she did not give the first dose, can the second dose be given the third dose? Suddenly, the prince replied briefly that….

 Samdech Techo Hun Sen answered briefly but meaningfully enough after a woman went to ask Samdech in the pack that he did not inject the first and second doses, can it be given the third dose? Samdech Techo, the Prime Minister, replied: "If there is no first and second, how can there be a third."

Samdech Hun Sen replied so after a woman named Khut Chantrea came to ask on the night of August 10, 2021 after Samdech posted a message from a Cambodian-Lao woman in Stung Treng province received a donation of 10 million Riel It is clear from the prince's response that the third dose, or booster dose, of AstraZenica during this period, is for people who have already been vaccinated against Sinofam or Sinovak. Both doses.

By now, the third vaccination campaign is starting from Phnom Penh for government officials in all ministries and the general public. The next goal is for women who have just given birth, those who are having an abortion, and those who are having a chronic illness. The next step will be to inject people across the country to increase their antibodies against all new mutants, reducing the risk of serious illness or death.

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