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Thursday, July 15, 2021

Som Kanikar, a student of Mae Men's talk show in the 60's, is deteriorating and the business of selling cakes is no longer broken


Yesterday, Sabay released a sad news regarding the poor living standard of the elderly actress Sok Chanthan, called teacher Som Kanika, according to the source Say Siera, who used to help him. But on July 14, 2021, the actor was interviewed in person.

In her 70s, Som Kanikar is still dependent on the business of helping sell cakes at the Olympic Market and has an extra job. Acting career, but since the Covid-19 crisis lasted for almost two years, both sources of income were completely cut off. And have to rely on the support of two sons, one who works as a garbage collector and one who sells rice. With both children not earning much, some months they give 100,000 riel and some months do not.

Talking about living conditions and daily eating, Ms. Som Kanika started to shiver and shed tears that in the condition of Covid-19 holding But seriously, her livelihood is also deteriorating because the source of income is completely cut off from the bakery business and Acting and the small amount of money that you used to give is no longer available due to the lack of children.

Som Kanika: “No one believes me as a star and that time is over! From the village chief to the group leader… but in fact I was late, I do not know who to raise my hand to salute ? I do not want to be fed or given to me forever, but I want you to help me solve it from time to time… Now there are four more orphans. ”

Please be reminded that actor Sok Chanthan, also known as Som Kannika, used to receive support from the Khmer Artists Association for three months, and actor Say Siera used to Help 500,000 Riels. So, if the philanthropist wants to help this elderly actor, he can contact him directly by phone: 012268526.

According to Som Kanika, he specializes in theatrical arts, said that during the Lon Nol era, Yeay Me Men and Pov Ya Leng were the instructors. Teach. But when she got involved in the arts, the Khmer Rouge regime came and she left nothing behind. Only after the end of the Khmer Rouge regime in 1979 did he start buying his name, Som Kanika, in the 5th office of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. After becoming a widow in 1989, she quit her job at the Fifth Office and began performing in the arts. There is both acting, speaking on national radio and acting career. Later, in 2007, she became a jury member in the Miss Universe pageant hosted by Kong Nuon TV. Channel 9, and at that time, actor Mak Sen Sonita called Tota was the first winner.

In addition, she began to excel through her performances in foreign films, large-scale films for cable television and TV channels 5 and 9 include "Anger Love of the Former Nation" and "Love Song of the Wave of Life".

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