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Thursday, July 29, 2021

Researchers: Evidence that Kimchi reduces the risk of death from Covid

 Diet plays an important role in strengthening the body's immune system. Some foods are vegetables, fruits that contain minerals and vitamins, as well as good proteins such as meat, eggs, milk, grains.

But many people may not be aware that there is another type of Korean fermented food, "kimchi". Contributes to a significant reduction in the risk of death from Covid.

Research from France shows that the death rate of people infected with the Covid virus in South Korea and Germany is 19 percent lower than the number of infected people. Meanwhile, other countries with lower cases have higher mortality rates. This may be due to Korean dishes such as "kimchi" and sauerkraut, which Germans eat regularly.

These fermented vegetables reduce the risk of death from infection.

Hair or cabbage kimchi reduces the levels of protein enzymes that are the gateway to viral infections.

At first it is easy to understand which organs in our body, such as the heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, etc., are the cells surrounding the protein enzyme called the second conversion enzyme (ACE2), which acts as a gateway for SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Pickles contain antioxidants, which help reduce the levels of these protein enzymes, thus reducing the risk of infection. In the body and reduce the risk of infection and death from Covid virus infection.

Kimchi is usually high in sodium. People with kidney disease or need to control their sodium should consult a doctor before eating. For healthy people it is best to limit the amount of food at a time and do not forget to exercise and get enough rest.

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