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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

No doctors removed from government after warning from head of government


Lok Chumteav Youk Sambath, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Health, confirmed this morning that no doctors have been fired so far. The next framework is a warning from the head of government for doctors not to take part in the fight against Covid 19.

In a special message broadcast live a few days ago, the Prime Minister, Samdech Techo Hun Sen, warned and ordered the cancellation of the framework. Any doctor who just names Covid 19 to get a name in the framework.

The head of government warned that the doctors who received the framework did not participate in the fight against Covid 19, but the name does not work Removed from the framework of the Ministry.

Samdech stated that the conditions until he volunteered to work within the framework of the fight against Covid 19 if he refused to be removed from the framework of dismissal from doctors.

Ms. Youk Sambath said on the occasion of receiving the Chinese vaccine this morning that the team of doctors must work in accordance with the principles Conditions of civil servants and assigned duties. According to her assessment, the team of doctors, both volunteers and the framework, did a good job during the day. All night responsibly. In relation to this medical framework, HE Prum Sokha, Minister of Public Function, has set up a working group to inspect and verify the candidate files while there are volunteers With more than 19,000 cases of Covid , the Ministry of Health has submitted a request to the Ministry of Public Works to be included in the civil service.

In 2020, the head of government instructed the Ministry of Health to increase the number of doctors on 19 Covid missions, prioritizing both Volunteer and Contract Physicians Introduce Framework to Fight Covid Outbreak 19 .

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