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Thursday, July 1, 2021

Invisible luck! Widow with 3 children, sad, no husband, accidentally met a good man

    There was a woman who was a widow and had three children. She was a poor woman. She had been abused by her husband until she had a wife and abused him until she could no longer bear it. Because the husband has been abusive for 16 years, and when they separated, he was left in debt and his three children to live with his wife. She is very poor, but she works very hard, but she works hard in all kinds of things, whether she is called to wash the dishes or look after her children and cut the grass, etc. He works hard for his children and lives in a small rented house. He tries to earn money to raise his children. He never tells his children that it is difficult. He always struggles. From day to day, he never stopped, he always asked them to wash the dishes or do the housework for him and his children, he struggled without hesitation.

As for his three children, the first child is 16 years old, the second child is 13 years old, the third child is 10 years old, all three children really miss their mother every time they have free time. They always come to help their mother, no matter what anyone says or their friends say they are poor, they do not care, the important thing is that they do not want to see their mother upset because of them. One day, a foreign man living in the United States came to visit Cambodia and ate noodles at a restaurant where the widow used to wash the dishes. He saw the woman because he was washing the dishes near the bathroom. . When the man came out of the bathroom, he asked the woman if there was a laundry room nearby. Not far from the noodle shop, uncle walked a little and the man replied thank you! I never came to Cambodia for the first time, thank you for telling me. The man left three days later, he came to eat noodles again, he went to the bathroom again and walked to see her and think why She was dressed very poorly, with a pale face, pitiful. Then he left the bathroom, while the widow washed the dishes and returned home as usual, but today she was not feeling well, dizzy than usual, but she still came to work for them. When she returned home, she fainted on the street. They were shocked and ran to help her. People rushed to help her. There were more and more people coming to see her. Seeing her and asking Le who helped her what was wrong with her, they told her that she was walking and fainting. There is no money to go to the doctor, brother, if she regained consciousness, where did she get the money to give to the doctor? The man said, "It's okay. I sent her to call an ambulance. The man went with her, and when she arrived at the hospital, she was taken to the examination room, given injections and given a rest. After a while, she regained consciousness and found herself in the hospital.Terrified, she turned to the bed, she saw a man who asked her the day before, wondered and asked the man why I was in the hospital? Mr. Mich was in the hospital and sitting next to my bed, the man also told her that she fainted on the way, I called an ambulance to bring her to the hospital, she came with her heard so very scared because he was Remaining money for the doctor, what to do? The man looked at her face and realized that she was afraid of not having money for the doctor, the man also told her not to be afraid, I am the one who paid for her treatment, do not be afraid! I am the one who brought her, I am the one who pays for the medical bills! Hearing this, she was very surprised and said to the man, "Thank you for helping me!" Where do I get the money to pay you if I am so poor? The man asked her where she lived. She also said that she was a widow with three children living in my rented house not far from the noodle shop, about 1 km into the house, I still have four children. I have been separated from my husband for 5 years, and I earn money to raise my children so that they will not be miserable like me, because I have nothing to give them! The man heard and felt sorry for her and told her to relax and wait for me to let her know her house and tell her children to come and see her when they left school, she rested. 

And remember to get out of the hospital, my doctor will pay the full amount so as not to make it difficult for her. Her other children who take care of her! She replied, "Yes, thank you very much. In the evening, her children came to see her mother at the hospital. Her son hugged her mother and said," Mothers are tired because their children are not sick! He is very sorry At that time, he also had a heart for widows. The mother also told the children that her uncle was the one who helped Mom and helped pay for the doctor's medical bills. I helped my mother, my mother, I have nothing to pay my uncle, my family is very poor, I only have ten fingers to thank my uncle, and I wish my uncle happiness, uncle, the man replied, "It's okay, nephew." Take care of your mother and nephew and know how to love your brother. The next day, the man came out of the hospital, paid for the doctor, and bought some food and clothes for her children. She seemed to feel very fruitful. She and her children went home and said, "Where is the money to spend?" I did not see the man, but a week later he came to eat some noodles, but four or five others came with him and went to the bathroom. He said to her, "In the evening I am going to visit her house!" Take my relatives to visit, she replied, "Yes, sir, but I do not know her house, oh, okay, sir, I'm waiting here, waiting for you to come, all of you, yes, I said goodbye. In the evening, the man came to her as promised and brought four or five siblings with her to her house together. When they arrived at her house, the children received guests with a happy smile. The children said that our uncle had met. And thank you uncle for visiting my nephew's house, the man looked at her children with a smile and said to her, "If I want to get engaged to my brother, what do you think?" At that time, she was stunned and answered rudely, "I asked my children if they agreed." The mother agreed to the children's request, they arranged a traditional wedding and the people happily attended. Finally, the man took his wife and children to America and lived together happily ever after.

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