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Sunday, July 11, 2021

4 things that women should not show on social media!

 Although social media has become a huge place to communicate, there are some things smart women like you should not bring up. Because it can be challenging and make you overestimate the truth. Therefore, smart women must avoid such things:

1. Feelings

Whether you are in love with someone or you are single or married, avoid overreacting on social media. When you are suffering mentally, a good way is to share or tell those stories to people you trust rather than expressing bad feelings on social media. Tranquility will look more lovely than anything.

2. Bad photos of yourself or others

Smart women will not post bad pictures of others or themselves on social media. It is an expression of a lack of self-esteem and a lack of respect for their privacy.

3. Useless jokes

Writing jokes in vain is also a problem. The greatest value of a woman is dignity, so do not let a single emotion affect your value. Remember that humor can make people laugh, but if it goes beyond the dignity of others, it is something to be avoided.

4. Out of work

In the workplace, there are always difficulties, pressures, disagreements with co-workers or with the boss. However, do not be so angry that you do not dare to insult the company on social media. This method can not help anything, only self-destruction.

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