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Friday, June 25, 2021

Hot news! Ex-wife takes ex-husband's daughter, pulls out gun, threatens shooting

    A couple has been divorced for years and even have a new couple and have children of their own. Allegedly, the husband kept his daughter away from her and brought her back to take her back until the dispute broke out and the ex-wife accused the ex-husband of pulling out a gun and threatening the authorities to intervene.

The above incident happened at 11:40 AM on June 24, 2021 at the house of her ex-husband in Mittapheap Village, Sangkat Russey Keo, Khan Russey Keo.

The woman, who was threatened by her ex-husband, was named Kuong Rati, 30, a salesman. The ex-husband, who was accused of pulling out a gun and threatening his ex-wife and ex-husband, Kong Saron, over 30 years old, a military officer, was staying at the house. According to the ex-husband, before the incident, he, along with his wife and five siblings, went to the house above, which was his ex-husband's house in order to pick up his 10-year-old daughter. She was visited by her ex-husband on June 13, 2021, saying that she only visited for three days and tried not to contact her mother.

The husband said that on the morning of June 24, 2021, he and his wife and siblings came to take their daughter home. When she arrived, she met with her ex-husband's ex-wife, asking her to bring her daughter back home. Immediately, the wife went to tell her ex-husband. Suddenly, the ex-husband called his ex-wife inside the house and locked the door, locked the door, threatened and pulled out a pistol, threatened to kill her, and she and her three siblings immediately ran out. Complain to the Post police to intervene immediately. According to reports, the wife and husband are divorced and the husband and wife have children of their own. The child of the ex-wife who brought her husband later also had this story.

Separately, according to a source from the Russey Keo police station, said that there was a misunderstanding and the husband ran away to complain to the police.

"After complaining to the authorities to intervene, they later reconciled to end the story."

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