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Monday, June 21, 2021

10 years of love! Groom builder falls in love with dentist bride

     According to the Facebook page of Duke Sambath (Uch Sambath) posted an interesting message on his Facebook page, which describes the business failure many times, encountering countless bitter stories to this day.
He also stated that: 10 years ago, I was a construction worker who fell in love with a woman who worked at a dental clinic, saving hard money to get married legally, but still could not. Have a good day like many failures, meet countless bitter stories, now we go through enough to fit us to have a bright life like today and next year 19.11.2020 We will remarry Now that we have a son and a daughter as turtles, an older son as the bridegroom for Dad, we will be happier after traveling on this couple's life path.

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