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Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Too strict parenting can lead to violence

    Every parent wants their child to be a good person with a good attitude in daily life as well as in the future. Because of this, parents always educate their children in their own way. Some parents choose to raise their children in a way that is too strict to cause their children problems.

Recognize that parents who raise their children in a strict manner only want their children to have good discipline and a better future. But raising a child like this puts pressure on the child and can make the child grow up to face many problems.

Normally for parents, strict parenting is a parent who wants their child to be well-disciplined, do what orders without objection and high demands, and do not like to interpret or Tell your child the reason.

Children with such parents seem to be living in a dictatorship. They just follow orders without thinking and wait until they are told to do so. They often feel afraid of being punished for each mistake. Sometimes they are overwhelmed by the words and actions of their parents.

Although most children follow orders, some can retaliate in the same way, especially teenagers. They can become liars, hide their bad actions, and sometimes use violence against others.

Every parent should know! Strict parenting can be very obedient, but it is not always possible for your child to behave in the way you expect. Children will lack self-confidence, feel afraid of others, and will have a limited amount of thinking. Because parents are accustomed to criticizing their children, they are more likely to be critical of others. In the future, when children become adults, they may have problems in their relationship.

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