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Wednesday, December 16, 2020

16-year-old husband, 71-year-old wife in love, jealous, not to leave home

    INDONESIA: This amazing love story takes place in Indonesia, a 16-year-old man decided to marry his 71-year-old grandmother. This huge age gap made the male family dissatisfied and refused to arrange the wedding, but then suddenly the couple of the wrong generation threatened to kill both of them if their parents refused to marry them. Not wanting to lose their children, the boy's parents decided to marry them according to tradition and religion.

After the marriage, the young husband revealed that every time the young man left home to buy cigarettes or other food, he would lock the house, leaving his wife inside the house because he was jealous of another man. Get in touch with your wife. The 16-year-old husband stated that he did this because he loved his wife too much. No one can explain why the young man fell in love with his old wife so much, many people just overreacted and wished the couple well.

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