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Saturday, January 11, 2020

Mom and Dad's Hot Question: How Much Money Should Be Prepared for Childbirth?

When you are pregnant, moms are always worried about the budget, the time it takes to give birth, and the purchase of baby supplies for fear of failure All or all of the delivery process is messy. Therefore, we often ask experienced professionals how much money should be spent during the hospital delivery Hold on to maternity leave. To find out what the cost is, we asked many moms who are financially ready for their basic necessities Important during delivery and urgent need for delivery.

1- Selective delivery

For moms, Linda said, just knowing she was pregnant right away, she thought about giving birth because she was sick. Physically and physically weak. So talk to your doctor and the best way is to have surgery, but the cost of surgery is more than natural. Informal staff in the private sector, for example, said that if the delivery of natural products in 400 to 600 different maternity units is sufficient Times 2. In addition, natural and surgical births may have some risky situations, so each birth preparation should not Less than $ 2,000, but giving a hospital stay can cost less.

2. Prepare for delivery

Many moms are always financially ready for delivery, but postpartum can be difficult. Among them, mom Nina Travis shared the consequences of having a hard time giving birth because it cost so much. The Phnom Penh resident said that for the salaried workers, there is still a lot of work for the workers at delivery. Any lost income and demands a lot of expenses on both the child and himself. This does not include a lot of pre-purchased items because the baby is not yet a month old, has not yet had to buy new clothes and food has to be It is good to nourish your baby with good milk and nourish him. The 30-year-old said that having a baby costs a lot less for eating and eating. Day.

3- Prepare for the impossible

Ken Nary describes herself as a mother and baby, but why we can't see it as you do. Some have to give birth naturally but are not able to choose surgery, and others plan to breastfeed There are many reasons for not breastfeeding like this Milk only choice. The housewife says that just a bottle of milk and water for each month costs hundreds of dollars. In addition, there are problems with your child's or our unknowns, so the costs are very much needed.

According to many moms, the cost of giving birth is quite unexpected, so it is better to be prepared Even better. Also, don't buy too expensive and less useful things for your children and us. Feet, hats, soap, detergents, and some essentials.

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