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Thursday, January 23, 2020

Interesting coffee drinking culture around the world we never knew!

Few people do not appreciate the simple pleasure of waking up in the morning with a cup of coffee. Coffee lovers believe that caffeine is not just a drink, it's a style or practice that Relative to the local culture, but for coffee lovers, this can be understood.
Don't believe it, and we might be surprised to find interesting coffee drinking styles around the world Sir.
1. Italy (Coffee Expresso)
Italians have a lot of love, but the most prominent is coffee. No departure from Italy without a visit to any café. Unlike Americans, Italians keep things simple. The cafe, which offers a variety of deliciously flavored creams or syrups, is an expert coffee country.
2. Vietnam (egg egg coffee)
This Southeast Asian country is amazing and the most coffee-loving country in the world In Dalat town, where Robusta grows coffee locally. What is special is the egg egg coffee, which is a local delicacy that tourists should try Traditional with Robusta coffee beans, eggs, sugar and milk.
3. Turkey
Turkey is a country where coffee is a drink And sweet as love. Coffee is mixed and finely ground, usually used in a long-life copper pot named That cezve.
4. France
The French like to show off their style of European style, which no other person can know. This is undeniable for its coffee drinkers, the French consider it as just an art croissant with a coffee Morning cup.
5. Ireland
The country's long winter is the reason why people like to drink hot coffee. But this coffee can be as confusing as a cocktail. The traditional Irish coffee has a spoonful of sugar, just like a spoonful of beer.
6. Ethiopia
Ethiopia is considered the birthplace of coffee. This drink is not to be mundane, but drinking this is a cultural tradition. Coffee in the country is a reason to gather and socialize with older people, friends and family.
7. Greece
Greeks prefer to spend time sitting and drinking a cup of coffee in the city before returning Come home.

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