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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Hot! After Pich Solika's mother was arrested, Meng Keo Pechta said one sentence

It should be recalled that on the morning of January 13, 2020, the Meanchey district police brought the perpetrator to murder a 50-year-old woman in Borey Villa Town, Toul Roka village, Chak Angre Krom commune, Meanchey district, to mimic the actions of the perpetrator. At the same time, law enforcement is burning fire in the case of same-sex couple On the 14th of January, 2020, Meng Keo Pech posted a message encouraging Pich Solika: “Well, sister! There are very few people who understand and distinguish. Don't despair. Famous people should not take advantage of their exploitation, it must be, but it is important not to be discouraged and do not try to care for your baby because you still have children. Have a good husband, you still have many other supporters, Su Su, do not give up, Somalyika! For some of you: Stop thinking this is a personal thing, don't pull this name You are If this is relevant then you can face the law even if your authority does not talk to anyone outside the circle. Don't be daring! ! ! »

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